Path To Zion explores the rediscovery of the Ancient Way that has been abandoned, forgotten or simply missed (in Its fullness) by mainstream Christianity. The host, Joel Spencer, speaks from a ”Hezekiah call” to declare to the Christianity of this age that there has been a Way already carved out, ready to be walked along by any who will follow the Firstborn Of Many Brethren, Yeshua Messiah (Jesus). (* The podcast is now also recorded in video format on Youtube @ Path To Zion Podcast.)

Friday Feb 05, 2021
Friday Feb 05, 2021
* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
In this new series we'll present two "levels" of addressing the presented topic that, although there are many lights, there is but One Light that leads to life. "Level 1" will be within part 1 as we'll present John 8 from a very topical vantage point. We will use it, and Luke 11, to present a launching pad to move into "Level 2" in parts 2 and 3 that are forthcoming.

Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
This episode closes out the series as we continue to examine the Man of God and the Old Prophet in 1 Kings chapter 13. Was the latter a "false prophet"? Why were these two men mentioned again in 2 Kings chapter 23? What is here for us to glean and actually implement into our lives today?

Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
In this part we'll look at some of the layers of mysterious facts within the 1 Kings account of the "Man of God" as he is pursued by the "Old Prophet". Why did the Man of God quickly turn Jeroboam away yet was enticed to go to the house of the prophet? Most importantly, what can *we* learn from this text and why does this even matter?

Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
The new series gets going with our primary text: 1 Kings chapters 12 and 13. Jeroboam's rebellion sets the children of Israel on a path of idolatry and apostasy that forsakes Yahweh's commands and ordinances.
A "man of God" shows up on the scene and begins to prophesy against this and we begin to discuss what unfolds and why in the world we're even told of these events.

Sunday Jan 31, 2021
Sunday Jan 31, 2021
* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
Here we conclude this series as we read a detailed example of *how* the Children of Israel became enslaved by the Egyptians, found in the Book of Jasher. A ploy to slowly enslave Them, without Their even knowing it, was enacted and carried out to perfection.
I believe that it mirrors what has happened with the presentation of "new religion Jesus." This has infiltrated modern Christianity and blending in has becoming entirely acceptable. I'm convinced that a Roman-ized Church that is divorced from the Yahweh of the Bible will continue on in the future, unharmed, yet assimilated into a one-world religion. However, the true Church that stands on what was established for all generations will begin to suffer true persecution. The time to count the cost and begin Our exodus is now.

Friday Jan 29, 2021
Friday Jan 29, 2021
* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
This episode challenges the Church to realize that we don't need to 'stand up and fight' to cram Christianity into a worldly system that is supposedly attempting to be implemented on the earth (especially in America). Why? Because it is already here and American Christianity has already been enveloped into it.
What if modern Christianity will be tolerated (and even accepted) in the coming age because it has become just another religion on the earth, void of distinction and power?

Thursday Jan 28, 2021
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
The series is getting moving as we begin to discuss the greater luciferian plan that started in the Garden of Eden and has subtly made its way into the present - even into the Church. I will present that the modern Christianity has been, is being and will continue in increasing measure swallowed up into a global religion.
Yahweh God and His ways are becoming increasingly divorced from modern Christianity. What are we to do if the Church is actually NOT going to be silenced but rather will continue as a new religion, based upon western Christianity's "get whatever you want" Jesus?

Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
In this episode we begin to explain what I believe we're seeing in our age of the Church, in regards to a subtle deception that has immersed Her into a universal religion. What if the "good" and the "bad" that we are constantly presented are actually different heads of the same beast? Lastly, we'll ask, does the Church understand that the luciferian deception will likely be presented to Her as an attractive, and dare we say even desirable, religion?

Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
This episode starts a new 5-part series examining how the Christian Church is being slowly swallowed up into a larger, one-world religion. She may not see it yet, but we'll attempt to unearth the deception that is as old as the Garden of Eden and begin repairing the primary delusions that are causing it.

Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
In this episode we touch on the fact that true discipleship within the Church has become practically extinct. Most every Believer today has never had a mature man who has gone before them take the time and effort to willingly sit beside and train them, for years. Why and what are we to do about it? And what is *THE* primary purpose of even "being the Church" anyway?