Path To Zion explores the rediscovery of the Ancient Way that has been abandoned, forgotten or simply missed (in Its fullness) by mainstream Christianity. The host, Joel Spencer, speaks from a ”Hezekiah call” to declare to the Christianity of this age that there has been a Way already carved out, ready to be walked along by any who will follow the Firstborn Of Many Brethren, Yeshua Messiah (Jesus). (* The podcast is now also recorded in video format on Youtube @ Path To Zion Podcast.)

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31 minutes ago

* This originally aired as a video episode on YouTube HERE.
This episode is primarily a biblical reminder for those who will not fall prey to the false signs and wonders that are coming. For these who stand for truth, a great persecution is coming.
All cultures will unite to come against those who will stand up for the Word above all else. Just because the unified masses follow something does not make it right. The majority will hate those who oppose them and call out their false spirit - just like they hated Messiah. Only the narrow path-walking sojourners will reject this age of deception.
If that's you, are you ready? Let's find out!

3 days ago

* This originally aired as a video episode on YouTube HERE.
Here we'll use biblical texts to establish context for our subject. The biblical pattern reveals that all cultures - both religious and secular - unite to come against Father's anointed.
This episode is a warning to those who side with the majority belief systems and go with cultural norms, whether religious or secular, and oppose clinging to the Word above all else. This camp will be led astray into the great deception, joining themselves to the anti-Messiah spirit. All is unifying together to make war with Yahweh's People.
Are you one who takes the time to discern the spirits or do you run after every "move of God" that blows through? Are you *really* ready to count the cost to come out and be separate? Let's find out!

5 days ago

* This originally aired as a video episode on YouTube HERE.
In this introduction episode we'll lay a basic groundwork for biblically-defined false signs, wonders and miracles. False ones will possess certain attributes that we must be alert to, to avoid being deceived in days to come.
A false spirit is now here and will increase activity amongst the Body. Myriads of people will be led astray. Are you ready? Let's find out!

Friday Jan 03, 2025

* This originally aired as a video episode on YouTube HERE.
In the New Testament we're told of an age that will come when people will turn away from hearing the truth and wander off. And what will these wander off unto? Myths.
Myths come in all types of flavors and offerings. How do we know that we're not found in this group of people who have forsaken truth and wandered off into traditions and myths instead? The Bible clearly tells us what is truth!
Let's find out what it is!

Wednesday Jan 01, 2025

The Bible clearly tells us when the new year begins... and it is most assuredly not January. So, why do the masses, that claim to walk in Father's ways, celebrate according to the ways of the nations?
Let's find out!

Tuesday Dec 31, 2024

* This originally aired as a video episode on YouTube HERE.
In Deuteronomy 18, Yahweh instructs the people to "be blameless/perfect before [Him.] Did He call and require men to walk in a way that they were incapable of? Much later, in Luke chapter 1, two individuals are deemed to be "walking blamelessly in all the commandments and requirements of the Master."
In a religious dispensation that declares works are filthy rags and no man can be good apart from Messiah, what do we do with these many Scriptures that speak of men who were upright, just and "perfect?"
Do you know what it means to be "tamim" (just and upright) in Father's sight? Let's find out!

Saturday Dec 21, 2024

* This originally aired as a video episode on YouTube HERE.
Although entire religious and secular worlds have equally embraced the Christmas holiday, what about those who desire to cling to the Creators Ways, above all else? Do we follow the crowd and continue on with the traditions of man-made celebrations (like Christmas and Easter) in order to fit in?
Do we begin to follow traditions of Judaism instead? If not, what then? Is there something else? Yes! Yahweh’s Holy Days that He gave as a wonderful gift to men so many years ago.
Father's appointed, set apart times are when His set apart People are to forever remember all that He's done, is doing now and will do in a coming day. Do you know this? Let's find out!

Thursday Dec 19, 2024

* This originally aired as a video episode on YouTube HERE.
We've discussed a lot in this series, haven't we? If Messiah did not come to override and replace His Father's perfect Law, in order to "set men free" then why did He come?
Did He come to earth in order to remove "a burdensome yoke" of His Father or to tear down the religious laws of the non-believing leaders of His day that had weighed down the people?
Let's wrap things up and find out!

Wednesday Dec 18, 2024

* This originally aired as a video episode on YouTube HERE.
When we read the Greek wording for "break" in today's text, we find that Messiah "loosened" the Sabbath. In this episode we will explore the idea that what Messiah "loosened" was the talmudic laws and traditions of men that had been heavy burdens placed upon men, not His Father's Sabbath laws which were always a wonderful gift to men.
The only Sabbath laws that He superseded and "broke" were those of the non-believing leaders. He was returning the Sabbath to what It was intended - for good! Sabbath was, and is today, the *perfect* time to heal a crippled man and set Him free!
Did you know that Messiah never "broke" the Sabbath of His Father? If He did, wouldn't He be a transgressor of the Fourth Commandment? Let's look into the Word and find out!

Tuesday Dec 17, 2024

* This originally aired as a video episode on YouTube HERE.
Here we'll discuss the fact that the non-believing Pharisees were not guilty of upholding the Torah commands of Yahweh and thereby refuting the works of Messiah, but rather they had exalted their own talmudic traditions over Yahweh's Ways and had set up traditions that had become burdensome.
An honest study quickly reveals that the Scriptures teach us that the Creator's Laws are good. We are not to ADD TO (non-believing Pharisees) nor TAKE AWAY FROM (Christians) His commands. Most of us must repent from living on our side of this transgression.
Can you consider a hard suggestion as we explore John chapter 5 together? Let's find out!

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