Path To Zion explores the rediscovery of the Ancient Way that has been abandoned, forgotten or simply missed (in Its fullness) by mainstream Christianity. The host, Joel Spencer, speaks from a ”Hezekiah call” to declare to the Christianity of this age that there has been a Way already carved out, ready to be walked along by any who will follow the Firstborn Of Many Brethren, Yeshua Messiah (Jesus). (* The podcast is now also recorded in video format on Youtube @ Path To Zion Podcast.)

Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
The series concludes here as we solidify that Yahweh's Seventh Day Sabbath was established at Creation. Therefore, there is no "Christian Sabbath" on Sunday.
In this teaching we begin to ask, who are we really? Are we grafted into Israel, Yahweh's People, or not? Are we a set apart People remembering and keeping a set apart day holy or are we simply following traditions of men? All people truly desiring to be pleasing in the eyes of the LORD *must* answer this question.

Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
The series is nearing a conclusion as this episode presents the greater introduction of more modern changes to/eradication of Seventh Day Sabbath, such as "Blue Laws" that demanded "true Christians" work on the seventh day and rest on Sunday (the "new LORD's Day").
We'll read MANY Scriptures in this episode specifically, in order to establish clearly that in order to be Yahweh's marked and holy People, we must not profane His Seventh-Day Holy Sabbath. Of course, we'll go on to biblically-define what it even means to "profane" something.

Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
The series continues examining why men took it upon themselves to literally change the biblical Seventh Day Sabbath. We continue through the timeline of history to see that men replaced Yahweh's set apart day and created a new "Christian Sabbath."
Do you know why YOU keep so-called "Sunday Sabbath" and that it is not keeping the "Sabbath of Yahweh" holy (Fourth Commandment)? Or perhaps, you're a "Sabbath rest" person and NO day is sacred and distinct from another. Is this biblical? Let's find out.

Monday Feb 15, 2021
Monday Feb 15, 2021
* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
This episode clarifies that what is being presented is NOT about "what day we should 'do church' on." In fact, the biblical, seventh day Sabbath is much greater than that.
What if we're missing Yahweh's blessing by abandoning *His* designated ways? Why Did Paul regularly go to the synagogue on Sabbath (as well as keep the Feasts of the LORD) AFTER Yeshua had ascended as the Acts Church was growing? Why is there NO mention whatsoever to a "changing" of the Sabbath day in Scripture?
Lastly, we begin to spell out the historical timeline of when men in self-appointed authority began to slowly institute a new "Christian Sabbath" on Sun-day, where it has continued all the way to this present hour.

Sunday Feb 14, 2021
Sunday Feb 14, 2021
* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
This part presents some tough questions like "Why does the Christian church celebrate non-Biblical festivals/holidays like Christmas and Easter yet not keep the Fourth Commandment to 'remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy'?"
We also begin to unveil *why* we've been taught that Sunday is "the new Christian Sabbath." Even though the first century Church (post-Yeshua/Acts 2 Pentecost) knew nothing of this doctrine, very few people ever ask. We are responsible to know.

Friday Feb 12, 2021
Friday Feb 12, 2021
* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
As my wife and I watched several videos that came out of yesterday's interstate crash in Ft. Worth Texas, the Father began to speak. It's time to "exit off" and enter a fear of Yahweh's ways. The world (and the Church) believes they are invincible and, because of this, a great shaking must come to wake us all from our slumber.
As the recording was midway through a GREATER prophetic warning for us presented itself. Please prayerfully consider if it is what the Spirit is saying in this hour.

Friday Feb 12, 2021
Friday Feb 12, 2021
* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
This part of the series describes the biblical understanding of the Hebrew "moed" - a set apart, appointed time. Seventh Day Sabbath was created as a "moed" by Yahweh and was thereby an appointed time for Him to meet and speak to His people.
Without this understanding, we're misled to think it is merely "an outdated command". I also share a bit of my personal testimony of moving into Seventh Day Sabbath "keeping."

Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
This new series will look into why the biblical, seventh day Sabbath has been almost entirely abandoned by this Church age. When did it begin to disappear, why and by whose hand? Part 1 lays the groundwork for why the 7th Day Sabbath matters, biblically, and what it means to "keep it holy."
The command to "keep the Sabbath holy" is an INCREDIBLE invitation to join into an awesome work of Yahweh!

Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
This short series wraps up as we examine several biblical accounts of sun worship , including many examples of paintings, sculptures and various other forms from thousands of years ago into today. What did Ezekiel see in Ezekiel chapter 8 when men are gathering with their backs to Yahweh's temple, worshipping the sun and what does He think about it?
Have "false lights" infiltrated Christianity for so long that the masses don't even know what and how they are truly worshipping? Did man-made religion subvert Yahweh's command to honor the seventh-day Sabbath? If so, what do we need to do about it or does it even matter at all?

Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
In this episode we take things up a few notches as we begin to examine if there is any way it's possible that "false light worship" was instituted so long ago that we here today in 2021 don't even know it.
Does it matter that in year 363 an elite group of men made "the LORD's Day" officially observed on the "Day of the Sun"? We'll use many verses, as well as many images of sun worship throughout every civilization in history, including modern day religions. Most will be surprised at the connections that have infiltrated the church of our age. Is all of the evidence that we'll present in this series mere happenstance?
Are we somehow above being deceived by the mainstream traditions of men that we have been handed? Let us examine our ways, use history to teach us and study the Scriptures to help us be set free.