Path To Zion explores the rediscovery of the Ancient Way that has been abandoned, forgotten or simply missed (in Its fullness) by mainstream Christianity. The host, Joel Spencer, speaks from a ”Hezekiah call” to declare to the Christianity of this age that there has been a Way already carved out, ready to be walked along by any who will follow the Firstborn Of Many Brethren, Yeshua Messiah (Jesus). (* The podcast is now also recorded in video format on Youtube @ Path To Zion Podcast.)

Friday Mar 19, 2021
Friday Mar 19, 2021
* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
The short series wraps up asking how we know what clean even is. What is "doing good"? What is "evil"? We see in John chapter 13 Peter tell Yeshua to not only wash his feet, but his hands and head also - even after Yeshua declared him to be "clean."
Herein is a very encouraging word to us. No matter where we are, there is always more cleaning for us to tend to.

Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
This part discusses several other verses that speak of the importance of being found "clean." How do we know what is clean in the sight of Yahweh? How do we know what unclean is? Who decides? Is there anything for us to do now, since we're the "living temple"?

Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
With John chapter 13 as our primary text, we'll attempt to rightly define what it means to be "completely clean" by the Messiah. How do we know what clean and unclean even are? Cleanliness and purification is of utmost importance throughout the entire Word of God. Why?

Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
In this episode we'll briefly discuss Isaiah chapter 25, verse 1. Within it is a simple reminder for us to pattern our lives after, as we see Isaiah make several things clear, using only one verse. May you be encouraged by this prophets declaration!

Friday Mar 05, 2021
Friday Mar 05, 2021
* The first few minutes of audio is off. Bear through it or feel free to skip ahead.
* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
In this episode I continue to share my personal testimony of how what kept me in bondage for the majority of my life has been not just repaired but also redeemed.
How wonderful it is to be set free *and* then set to walk out the purpose of what we are created to do and be.
To donate to the podcast, please click here.

Friday Mar 05, 2021
Friday Mar 05, 2021
* The first few minutes of audio is off. Bear through it or feel free to skip ahead.
* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
A few days ago I realized that there are some things in my life that have not just been merely repaired and healed, but actually redeemed unto their Creator-given purpose. This short series uses my personal testimony to demonstrate this simple, yet powerful principle.
To donate to the podcast, please click here.

Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
In this brief episode, we'll discuss an overview of where we've been as of late and where we might be heading next. Why do we do what we do here? What is our primary purpose and goal? Thank you for listening!

Monday Feb 22, 2021
Monday Feb 22, 2021
* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
In 1 Peter chapter 2 we're told of the purpose for which the Church has been called. So what is it? Do you know? "To patiently endure suffering for doing what is right."
May we be encouraged for verse 21 tells us that there has been One Who has gone before us! Yeshua Messiah, our One Example! We will look into the word used in this text for "example", and the principle therein.

Sunday Feb 21, 2021
Sunday Feb 21, 2021
* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
Next up we look at verses 17 through 28 of Act 10 where Peter makes it clear that his vision had nothing to do with animals but instead he stated "Yahweh has shown me not to call any *man* unholy and unclean."
When did Yahweh show Peter this? When he had the vision about unclean animals. So why have we been told this somehow meant we can eat whatever we want? We must study to show ourselves approved.

Friday Feb 19, 2021
Friday Feb 19, 2021
* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
In this part we primarily read and discuss Acts 10:1-17 and how Peter was perplexed. Why? Because he *knew* that what the voice of the LORD was speaking to him contradicted Yahweh's commands from Leviticus.
In his wrestling, understanding begins to come. We can learn from Peter's confusion an important principle: in the waiting we too must also rightly weigh what we hear versus what we know Yahweh has commanded, as we strive to understand "perplexing" things that come to us.