Path To Zion explores the rediscovery of the Ancient Way that has been abandoned, forgotten or simply missed (in Its fullness) by mainstream Christianity. The host, Joel Spencer, speaks from a ”Hezekiah call” to declare to the Christianity of this age that there has been a Way already carved out, ready to be walked along by any who will follow the Firstborn Of Many Brethren, Yeshua Messiah (Jesus). (* The podcast is now also recorded in video format on Youtube @ Path To Zion Podcast.)

Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
After listing some of the "hot topics" that incite disagreement within the Body of Messiah, we move into the importance of how we can all tend to be natural and driven by the flesh nature, when it comes to our interacting with one another.
The fact is, we all often think that we personally know best, when in fact, we may not. So how about you? Do you need others? How do you fare when enduring alongside the brethren?

Monday Jun 07, 2021
Monday Jun 07, 2021
* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
This 3-part series starts with introducing the fact that all who are within the Body of Messiah are intricate parts, with differing vantage points and understanding. If you desire to practice finding your place within a unified Body, this series is for you!

Wednesday May 26, 2021
Wednesday May 26, 2021
* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
After a two month video hiatus, we return with an overview of what's been going on, including the first video recorded in the *brand new* Path To Zion studio! Stay tuned for a regular schedule to return.

Friday May 07, 2021
Friday May 07, 2021
In their letter to Philemon, Paul and Timothy address the group of believers that gather at his house. They commend these (Philemon specifically) and tell them that they have "refreshed the hearts of the saints". In this episode I'll discuss how I think it would be good for that to be said of us as well.

Friday Apr 16, 2021
Friday Apr 16, 2021
1 Peter 1:15 instructs us to be holy as Yahweh is holy. Holy in all of our behavior and in our entire way of life, to be specific. How do we do that? what does it mean? Is it even attainable? Let's find out.

Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
This episode discusses Yeshua's intriguing question to Bartimaeus in Luke chapter 18, the importance of attributing all that we have to the Father and culminates with the following question/challenge: Are we providing Yeshua enough rightful petitions and requests for Him to fulfill His present-day Mediator Messiah role and function?

Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
How do we approach practically living in the reality that (if we are born from above) our bodies are now temples of the living Elohim Most High? I was prompted to approach a stranger a few days back, and talk to him about some... well... awkward topics. This episode shares that exchange.

Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
We receive questions from people asking (in summary), "How do we do 'x' in this world, in its fallen state?" "How do we in any way live holy, free and unstained in this age?"
Well, there is an answer, but few want to hear it. We have been given parameters, boundaries... laws. We have been told. So, the REAL question is, are we really postured to do what requires for us to be a holy, royal priesthood, chosen nation people?
This episode discusses the REAL question.

Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
In Micah chapter 7 we see the importance of Who we are talking about when we mention "God". In this age, the name "God" can mean a world of different things to different people. In this episode, I use this verse to briefly point out the biblical/historical importance of the God of the Bible being the "Elohim of our Yeshua."

Friday Mar 26, 2021
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Using Peter and John as our example (in Acts chapter 4) we will ask ourselves if we have seen and heard enough to compel us to rightly announce our personal testimony. The first-century Church looks so drastically different than the Church that you and I have inherited. Why?