Path To Zion explores the rediscovery of the Ancient Way that has been abandoned, forgotten or simply missed (in Its fullness) by mainstream Christianity. The host, Joel Spencer, speaks from a ”Hezekiah call” to declare to the Christianity of this age that there has been a Way already carved out, ready to be walked along by any who will follow the Firstborn Of Many Brethren, Yeshua Messiah (Jesus). (* The podcast is now also recorded in video format on Youtube @ Path To Zion Podcast.)

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Protection For The Upright

Wednesday Aug 11, 2021

Wednesday Aug 11, 2021

* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
Psalm chapter 140 is a cry for protection from enemies that are "violent" and "evil." This episode is meant to cause us to examine ourselves to be absolutely sure that we are on the "right side" of the issue at hand. What does it mean to be upright? If we're presuming that we are, we must know. This is a warning to the distracted Church of 2021.

Saturday Jul 31, 2021

After I was engaged in a brief dialogue in regards to how dangerous it is to disregard pastoral counsel, I felt compelled to discuss this topic on the program. We must present a full view and honest approach to the complexities of men giving spiritual direction and instruction to other men - flawed as we all are.

Commentary : July 20

Wednesday Jul 21, 2021

Wednesday Jul 21, 2021

This episode shares a few brief thoughts that are bouncing around my head as we're in between video series. I briefly share what (presumably) will be the next topical series, out of 1 Kings.

Part 2: Power Of The Present

Thursday Jul 15, 2021

Thursday Jul 15, 2021

* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
In this episode we dive into the proposal that we see the insertion of seeds of anxiety and control sown in the Garden of Eden. Dissatisfaction with who Yahweh has made us to be and forgetting that *He* is our Provider and Source leaves us anxious and always looking for satisfaction, within ourselves. Yeshua however, showed us how to perfectly walk entrusted to the Father. Are you satisfied with your present reality?

Part 1: The Power Of The Present

Wednesday Jul 14, 2021

Wednesday Jul 14, 2021

* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
In this part of the short series we begin to talk about one of the Greek words used in the New Testament for "time" - "kairos." It speaks of "an opportune time for action" and, if rightly lived out like Yeshua Messiah, positions us to harness every opportunity that is right before us.

Part 3: We Have An Altar

Sunday Jul 11, 2021

Sunday Jul 11, 2021

* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
The series wraps up with our connection of the Old Testament understanding of altars to Yeshua becoming the ultimate memorial and landmark for our lives today. Yeshua Messiah (our Salvation) was meant to become the door and gate for us to look TO and THROUGH in order to forever memorialize the awesome works of Yahweh on our behalf.

Part 2: We Have An Altar

Friday Jul 09, 2021

Friday Jul 09, 2021

* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
In this installment we look into the first biblically-recorded altar specifications, found in Exodus chapter 20. We also will begin to drive home the essential point that an altar to Yahweh is a RESPONSE to something He has already accomplished and/or promised, not a plea for His attention.

Part 1: We Have An Altar

Wednesday Jul 07, 2021

Wednesday Jul 07, 2021

* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
The new series examines the proper biblical understanding of an altar. When did they first show up and why were they established? Part 1 begins to explain the origins of altars in the Bible and why they should matter to us.

Commentary: July 5

Tuesday Jul 06, 2021

Tuesday Jul 06, 2021

In this episode, we primarily discuss how all of us are prone to skirt the edge of obedience and push the boundary as much as is allowed. And what about when we cross it? What is the rebellious heart of man and how do we know that we, in fact, love Messiah, evidenced by keeping His commands?

Wednesday Jun 09, 2021

* This originally aired as a video episode on Youtube HERE.
This short series wraps up as we pull out the cup for a bit of a visual illustration. We'll also read several Scriptures that instruct us how to live peaceably, in self control and behave as mature ones who don't quarrel and fight.
Lastly, we drive home the fact that not any one of us are meant to single-handedly possess ALL truth. We, the individual components of the Body need one another.

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