

Power, Authority, Sent

Tuesday Feb 11, 2020

Tuesday Feb 11, 2020

In Luke chapter 9, Yeshua is addressing His disciples. He gives them His power. He gives them His authority. Then, He sent them out. We must follow Scriptural patterns that we see clearly laid out before us. Be stirred today to go and do what Yeshua is desiring to do today - through you!

Monday Feb 10, 2020

Today the series concludes with wrapping up 2 Samuel chapter 12 as well as how I believe David arrived at writing some of the Psalms, through experiences such as this. We must be mature and ready to receive the Father's correction.

Friday Feb 07, 2020

The series continues to examine David's tough lesson within 2 Samuel chapter 12. In this episode we see the need for us to constantly place ourselves on the examination table before Yahweh and when His correction comes, our response is of utmost importance.

Thursday Feb 06, 2020

After some time studying of 2 Samuel chapter 12, a new series emerged. In a world full of condemnation and judgment (and a Church that seemingly loves doing so), it would do us good to see David's predicament in this text. There is much for us to add to our lives as we must be always looking inward to see if there be any wicked way in us. I think you'll really enjoy this series.

What The Lord Can Bless

Wednesday Feb 05, 2020

Wednesday Feb 05, 2020

The modern-day Church is fascinated with scooting right up to the line of sin and rebellion and stopping (maybe). What did God clearly say we can't do and we'll do every single other thing that we can. Friends, this is childish behavior. It's time we mature and stop merely asking God to bless whatever we give Him and hope for the best.

A Dependent People

Tuesday Feb 04, 2020

Tuesday Feb 04, 2020

Today's episode is a revisiting of the account of the Syrophoenecian woman. It would do us all good to respond to Yeshua as she did - in humility, free from self-preservation.

Monday Feb 03, 2020

There are two words in today's culture (both church and worldly) that quickly reveals ones understanding of their place within rightly ordered functions of men, especially those placed there by Yahweh. In regards to the Church specifically, this is costing us dearly and the fruit is clear. The lack of willingness to be "under" any other man is revealing we contain toxic amounts of pride and self-preservation. There is time to turn this ship around, but we must start now.

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